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Photo of Arvindh
  • Undergrad

    New York University

  • Team

    Asset Based Finance


When I was first running point on an investment strategy, I received internal acceptance, support and was given due credit from the very beginning.

Q: What made you want to work here?

Sculptor Capital has always been one of the premier hedge funds to work at. Having spent the first few years of my professional life learning about various aspects of mortgages, I was keen to get a chance to learn more, and do more at an intense pace.

Q: How would you describe the Sculptor culture and what contributes most to the culture?

From the very first day I was expected to take true ownership about every aspect of my job, to look beyond the task at hand to see how it fits within a strategy, the overall goals of the firm, and to look beyond my “job description” and think about something in a way that hasn’t been done before.

Q: How would you characterize the role of teamwork and collaboration at Sculptor?

Nothing about the investment process at Sculptor is a one person show. For a hedge fund of this size to be consistent at conceiving and executing complex investment ideas, team work is a given!